Hair and Skin Elasticity– What is it and How important is it?
Hair and Skin Elasticity
Exploring Hair and Skin Elasticity
Introduction: If you’ve ever had a particularly bad sunburn or observed the effects of aging on someone else’s skin, then you have seen the effects of poor skin elasticity. Similarly, if you have ever tried to curl your hair or found that your hair is prone to breakage, then you have experienced the effects of poor hair elasticity. But what exactly is elasticity? And how can we improve it in both our hair and skin? Let’s explore this topic further.
What Is Elasticity?
Elasticity is the ability of a body tissue to return to its original shape after being stretched or contracted. In other words, it’s how much flexibility something has when it comes to being manipulated by external forces. It’s an important factor in both our skin and hair health because it can indicate how well these parts of our body are able to withstand damage from everyday activities like brushing, styling and even simple exposure to sun and wind.
Improving Skin Elasticity
The most obvious way to improve your skin’s elasticity is by avoiding excessive sun exposure. Sunburns not only cause damage at the time but they also contribute to long-term aging of the skin as well. Additionally, topical moisturizers can help keep your skin hydrated which helps it maintain its elastic state. Finally, certain vitamins such as Vitamin C are known for their anti-aging properties so incorporating foods rich with these vitamins into your diet can improve your overall skin health as well.
Improving Hair Elasticity
Hair elasticity is mainly affected by two things – genetics and lifestyle choices. Genetics will determine how strong or weak your hair follicles are while lifestyle choices will determine how well you take care of them over time. For example, using harsh chemicals on your hair can make them brittle and prone to breakage while using high quality shampoos and conditioners can help protect them from damage over time. Eating a diet rich in proteins will also help promote healthier stronger strands as well as minimize split ends and breakage due to lack of protein in the body.